About Us

We are the McIntyre Family. You can find us in the pottery studio throwing pots, outside in the garden tending to the asparagus, playing cards on rainy days, or chipping away at the limitless projects in our 100 year old farm house. We are happy you are here! Scroll down to see how this pottery dream was started and where it has taken us.

It all began in 4th grade, over thirty years ago. Not only did we meet for the first time in our 4th grade classroom, it was also the beginning of a love story with mud.

4th Grade Yearbook Photos KINGS PARK ELEMENTARY

4th Grade Yearbook Photos


The First Pot, 1988.

In 4th grade we learned how to make coil pots. However, I wanted a smooth pot, as though it were made on a wheel. The first pot I ever made is now a proud vessel for our paperclips.


The First Wheel.

A gift from my mom and dad for my 17th birthday. It came packaged in a tiny cardboard box and was powered with batteries. I remember being so excited to try it out at the kitchen table. When everything got wet and messy, I was asked to move down to the basement. Not a problem since the wheel weighed about 2 pounds.

Pottery Class.

After graduating from college, I finally had my first real job...selling wine! In the evenings, I took pottery classes offered by the local rec center. I was finally able to create on a real wheel and learn techniques from an awesome instructor, Dana. I realized then how difficult it was to throw pottery on a wheel, I had a lot to learn. I knew I loved it though, because in the middle of the night, visions of ceramics and a desperate desire to get back on the wheel would awaken me.


Mr. & Mrs. McIntyre.

We started dating our senior year in high school, and after eight years of being best friends, we got married on October 9th. We celebrated with a reception by Lake Braddock Lake, a favorite spot of ours. Each place setting at the outdoor reception included an individual vase I made during those evening pottery classes. To this day, almost twenty years later, it is always a sweet moment to see those vases on display at the homes of friends and family.


Our Family.

With two sons and a daughter, life is never dull. Mason, Cooper, and Gavin each bring fun to the day. You can even find them in the pottery studio making mugs and coasters of their own.


Our Pets.

You can find our Irish setter, Tully, running a million laps in the yard everyday. Her little brother, Scooch, a golden retriever, is content to be at our side. Lena, our front porch cat, adopted us years ago, and the chickens live a happy life by the garden.

We feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to make pottery any time we want in the pottery studio that Andy designed and built. We fire our pots in a kiln located in Andy's barn. It is an incredibly exciting day when a glaze fire is complete and it's time to open the kiln and unveil the final creations. Mugs, plates, bowls, vases, coasters, sea shells, and more make our eyes and hearts sing.

The Studio.